Represents physical turn table messages transport. Provides methods for send and receive messages.
String | ConnectionInfo [get] |
| ITurntableApi.ConnectionInfo.
Boolean | ShouldFilterOutFirstBytes [get, set] |
| Determines whether to ignore whatever got sent from serial port after connection until nothing is received for FirstBytesTimeout.
TimeSpan | FirstBytesTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) [get, set] |
| Amount of time that serial port must remain "silent" before starting reading messages.
TimeSpan | MessageFinishTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) [get, set] |
| Max amount of time after first message character until receiving newline. Arduino crane is known for sending something like "àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà..." without newline at 57600 baud rate. Without this timeout API will be stuck in message reading loop. Update: turns out, some older arduino turntables may not send anything at this baud rate, fixed in devices manager.
TaskCompletionSource< Boolean > | FilterOutFirstBytesTaskCompletionSource [get] |
| Use this to await first bytes filtering before starting actual communication.
ILogger | Logger [get] |
| Logger associated with this instance. This way extension methods can use logging without requiring it as parameter. More...
Boolean | IsDisposed [get] |
| Determines whether the object is being disposed or already disposed and no longer functional. More...
virtual IAsyncDisposableExtended | Owner [get] |
| Type and ToString values of this object will appear when logging begin/end of DisposeAsync. This object will also be used as Disposed sender, essentially allowing seamlessly using AsyncDisposableExtendedBase logic even when directly inheriting from it is not possible. Usually it simply returns "this" value, but AsyncDisposableExtendedImpl overrides it to return its owner instance for the aforementioned reason.
Boolean | IsDisposed [get] |
| Determines whether the object is being disposed or already disposed and no longer functional. More...
ILogger | Logger [get] |
| Logger associated with this instance. This way extension methods can use logging without requiring it as parameter. More...
Represents physical turn table messages transport. Provides methods for send and receive messages.
This base class can be inherited in order to implement custom communication channel (for instance, if needed to control turntable that is connected to remote PC). The messages transport is then used by higher-level API's.